Professional Criminal Defense Lawyer

1. Suspect in an Investigation

For whatever reason, or sometimes for no reason, you have become the target of a criminal investigation. Perhaps someone has told the police that you have committed a crime. Maybe the police saw you talking to someone already under surveillance, or you visit a place under surveillance. Maybe you are recorded talking on the phone about a matter under suspicion. Or, maybe you feel you may have been caught “red handed.” What do you do?

Gainesville Criminal Defense Attorney

The First Rule of Criminal Defense:

Write this rule in stone: never, never speak to the police.

So many times, people think that if they decline to speak with police, they will appear guilty. Nothing could be further from the truth. A person who chooses to keep silent understands that the police officer’s only goal is to gather evidence against you. Against YOU! Don’t help him do that! I promise, you will only come to regret it. You might look guilty to an agent who already believes you are guilty. But who cares? If you start talking, you may just remove all doubt!

Suspect Defense Lawyer in Buford

With years of experience in criminal law in the Gainesville and surrounding areas, the attorneys at CLC have worked with some of the most advanced cases and have provided over and beyond service satisfaction. Our clients trust that we have their best interests in mind with each new case that arises. When dealing with suspect investigation, we understand that this process may seem difficult and are available to assist you through the rigorous steps necessary.

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